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A Positive Signal?

April 8, 2013 - Volodymyr Ariev - Articles and Commentary



The freedom of Yuriy Lutsenko is a very positive signal, no doubt. And it is not only an execution of one point on the EU wish-list to Ukraine before the Association Agreement signing.

The execution of such an important, but painful to Yanukovych, point illustrates the problems in the relations with Vladimir Putin. The Ukrainian president still hasn’t chosen which way is more comfortable for him – as this person does not work in the state interest. But a strong and non-compromising wish-list of Putin indeed says to Yanukovich “no” to his future in a Union with Russia.

Thus, the EU should use the Yanukovych-Putin problem to push the Ukrainian leader to do other points before signing the Association Agreement and to show Yanukovych all possible positive results in choosing the European way.

Volodymyr Ariev is a People’s Deputy of Ukraine, a member of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council) and sits on the Ukrainian parliament’s committee for foreign affairs.


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