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Baltic Business Forum 2013 Will Connect North, East and West Europe

March 27, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



The fifth edition of the Baltic Business Forum will be held in Swinoujscie-Heringsdorf, on the Uznam island between April 24th to 26th 2013.

After the sessions on economic cooperation with Ukraine and China, in 2013 we invite you to the conference whose main theme will concern the issues associated with the role of the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea Region, and the development of economic cooperation between North and East. We are delighted to inform that the Russian Federation will be the guest of honour of the Baltic Business Forum 2013. The Russian presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States since July 2012 seems to be a good occasion. At its last meeting in Moscow, the Polish-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation considered the Baltic Business Forum to be an important economic event in 2013.

This year's forum will be inaugurated by the speech of former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski. During the first plenary session, Central and Eastern Europe ministers of economy will discuss the impact of the global crisis on the economic development in our region.

The conference programme also includes discussions related to trade, finance, energy, security, the environment, innovation, media and transportation.

The Baltic Business Forum is organised by The Association “Europe–North–East”, the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, the Marshal of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the President of the City of Świnoujście.

The framework programme of the conference is available at the official website of the Baltic Business Forum www.bbf2013.pl.

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