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Table of Contents 2(VII)/2013

March 25, 2013 - Example Author - Uncategorised

New Eastern Europe Issue 2(VII)/2013: Painful Past, Fragile Future


Opinion & Analysis

A Word in Search of Flesh: Solidarity

Zygmunt Bauman

The world in which we live in is not particularly hospitable to solidarity. But this does not mean that the spirit of and hunger for solidarity will give up.

Balkan Poets
Vesna Goldsworthy

The Merchants of Europe
Miljenko Jergović

Presidents and prime ministers of Balkan countries have been convincing Europe that they represent the only guarantee that the Balkans won’t descend back into war.

The Yugo Aftershock
Ziemowit Szczerek

The Struggles of Skopje

Artan Sadiku, Katerina Kolozova

Towards a Balkan Benelux 

A conversation with Blerim Reka

“The countries of the Balkans have no choice apart from the EU. Euro-Atlantic integration is our destiny. Peace in the Balkans can only be maintained under the security umbrella of NATO, and only under the EU as an institutional export towards aspiring countries.”

The Long Road toward Reconciliation

Sevan Pearson

Solving the Unsolvable

Zoran Vučković


Dorota Majkowska-Szajer and Tomasz Szajer

A Pact with the Oligarchs

Paweł Kowal

The fate of Ukraine lies in the hands of a group of the richest families, and any sensible policy towards Ukraine must take this into account.

The Illusion of Elections

Volodymyr Ariev

Expectations and Reality Collide in Tiraspol

Kamil Całus and Piotr Oleksy

In January 2013, Yevgeny Shevchuk, the president of Transnistria, completed his first year as head of this unrecognised state. But has the young politician managed to fulfil any of the domestic or international expectations during his first year in office?

Power Politics and Identity in Azerbaijani-Iranian Relations

Anar Abdullayev


Life After Nazerbayev

A conversation with Dosym Satypajev

“Everyone is waiting for Nazarbayev’s decision on who his successor will be. Nobody would dare to question the president’s choice, as long as he is alive. But what happens afterwards is anybody’s guess.”

Remembering Sasha

A conversation with Marina Litvinenko, the wife of Alexander Litvinenko


An Oasis in the Siberian Desert

Marcin Kalita

A City Built on Gold

Gani Nasirov

History Goes to the Movies

Lukasz Wojtusik

Until recently, Polish cinematography has been moderately successful at presenting historical narratives. While large productions were meant to stir patriotic feelings, the more ambitious directors stayed away from history. This has recently changed.

People, Ideas, Inspiration

A Cause to Live For

A conversation with Emin Milli and Arzu Geybullayeva

“In Azerbaijan, we don’t just need good politicians to change our society. We need even more good journalists, creative writers, courageous businessmen and responsible citizens.”

The Hidden Fruit of the Underground

Evgeny Kaprov 

Books and Reviews 

Lana Ravel – Listening to Bosnia’s Ghosts

On Selvedin Avdić’s Seven Terrors

Maia Lazar – Complicated Diplomacy

On Branislav Radeljic’s Europe and the Collapse of Yugoslavia: The Role of Non-State Actors and European Diplomacy

Zośka Papużanka – Lessons Not Learnt

On Joanna Bator’s Ciemno, prawie noc (Dark, Almost Night)

Grzegorz Nurek – Behind Poland’s Success

On Tadeusz Mazowicki’s Rok 1989 i lata następne (1989 and the Following Years).

Maryana Prokop – At the Crossroads of Democracy

On Mykola Riabchuk’s Від "хаосу" до "стабільності". Хроніка авторитарної консолідації (From “Chaos” to “Stability”. A chronicle of an authoritarian system).

Zemowit Szczerek – The Revenge of Kaplan.

On Robert D. Kaplan’s The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us about Coming Conflicts and the Battle against Fate.

Piotr Oleksy – International (In)significance? 

On Moldova: Arena of International Influences, eds. M. Kosienkowski and W. Schreiber

Michael Stein – The Last of the Great Surrealists

Jan Švankmajer: Dimensions of Dialogue – Between Film and Fine Art. October 26th 2012 to February 3rd 2013.


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