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The 9th Annual CEE Energy Conference

February 28, 2013 - Example Author - Bez kategorii

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The 9th Annual CEE Energy Conference; March 19th and 20th 2013 at the InterContinental Warsaw.

Join up to 150 leading public and private experts in a dynamic networking and learning environment to debate and solve the current issues facing the development of the energy market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) (Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine).

With increasing energy demands, dependency on imported energy, outdated generation capacity and ever-increasing regulatory demands, CEE nations are looking for new supply options. National incumbents and international investors alike are interested in the unfolding opportunities across the region. Hope is pinned on the upgrading of existing Nuclear and Coal facilities, as well as new generation capacity such as Solar and Wind. However, are these projects bankable and do they have adequate support to meet EU targets? Beyond generation capacity, there is a chronic need for transmission and distribution networks to be upgraded and expanded, particularly if renewable projects are to go online and to foster greater regional trading.

Through feature and case study presentations from leading experts and interactive panel discussions with industry stakeholders, our 9th Annual event will provide an in-depth analysis of the market discussing future trends, regulation and legislation, bankability of energy projects, financing options and more.

This event will unite senior level representatives from incumbent and private utilities; international investors and financiers; consultants and advisors; leading law firms and many more industry experts who are looking to the unfolding opportunities in CEE in order to assess whether the potential can be realised?

Join us in the luxurious surroundings of the InterContinental Warsaw for the 9th Annual CEE Energy Conference (March 19th and 20th 2013). Located in the financial district opposite the Palace of Culture and Science, the hotel is a short distance from the main railway station, charming Old Town and the Warsaw Philharmonic. Well worth a visit are the Frederic Chopin Museum and Łazienki Park.

For full event information and if you are interested in participating in this event as a delegate, speaker or sponsor please contact Stanislav Polikarpov for more information: stanislav.polikarpov@eelevents.co.uk or +44 (0) 207 2758020 or visit the website: www.eelevents.co.uk/cee_energy_2013/

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