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European Press Prize Announces Shortlists for 2012

January 22, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



Twenty-two journalists – reporters, columnists and editors from as far apart as Norway and the Ukraine – are named as finalists for the first ever European Press Prize.

In the Editing category Mr Adam Reichardt, editor of New Eastern Europe quarterly, was nominated for this extremely good and ambitious publication. It combines own reporting and analysis with thoughtfully selected pieces from the media in the region it covers and outside contributions, establishing it as a must-read for anybody in Poland seriously interested in the region.

The ultimate winners of 10,000 euros apiece in the four prize categories will be selected at the end of January at a special jury meeting chaired by Sir Harold Evans, the legendary former editor of the Sunday Times in London, sitting alongside Sylvie Kauffmann of Le Monde, Yevgenia Albats from the New Times in Moscow, Jørgen Ejbøl, chairman of JP/Politiken in Copenhagen, and the Italian writer and philosopher, Paolo Flores d'Arcais.

Adriaan Stoop, chairman of the European Press Prize Foundation, is delighted by the overwhelmingly positive responses to the new awards, which are designed to encourage and salute journalism of the highest quality across Europe. "This first year, we received entries from 32 different countries out of 47 member states of the Council of Europe. This is a remarkable beginning, especially since the overall quality of the entries is excellent”, Mr Stoop said.

“We received so much brilliant investigative reporting, fine comment and exemplary editing to review. No-one should think of Europe as some sort of journalism backwater on this evidence – and the prizes prove it", he added.

The European Press Prize awards are a joint initiative from media foundations in the Netherlands, Denmark, Britain and the Czech Republic. Awards for the first year will be presented on February 26 at the De Balie debating centre in Amsterdam at a meeting for invitees only. The winning entries will be publicly celebrated at an event in September. Details of this event will be published on the EPP website,


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