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European Press Prize Nomination

January 15, 2013 - Example Author - News Briefs



New Eastern Europe’s Editor-in-Chief nominated for the 2012 European Press Prize

Adam Reichardt, the editor-in-chief of the English-language quarterly New Eastern Europe  has been nominated for the European Press Prize (http://www.europeanpressprize.com) in the category of the “Editing Award”.

The European Press Prize was formed in 2011 by seven European media foundations with strong media connections (among them are: the Foundation for Democracy and Media, the Guardian Foundation, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation), to encourage high quality journalism, both print and online.

The awards, which were established  in 2011, are given in four categories: the Editing Award, the Commentator Award, The News Reporting Award and the Innovation Award. They are  open to entries from all 47 countries of Europe as defined by Council of Europe membership.

The opinion of the preparatory committee about New Eastern Europe reads: “This is an extremely good and ambitious publication, combining own reporting and analysis with thoughtfully selected pieces from the media in the region it covers, and outside contributions.”

Among other finalists in the same category are: Jason Cowley, editor of the British weekly New Statesman, Torry Pedersen, editor of the Norwegian newspaper VG, Ihor Pochynok, editor of Ukrainian local newspaper Express, and Mark Watts, editor of the website Exaro.

New Eastern Europe is a quarterly news journal which focuses on Central/Eastern European affairs. The editorial team is based in Krakow, Poland. The project is a joint collaboration between the City of Gdansk, the European Solidarity Center and the Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe.

The objective of New Eastern Europe is to enhance understanding, raise awareness and further dialogue surrounding issues facing the states that were either once a part of the Soviet Union or under its influence. New Eastern Europe is not a scholarly journal, but rather takes a more journalistic approach with commentary/analysis from journalists, experts, analysts, writers, historians, as well as leaders and political figures from both the East and West.

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