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Can Russia Really Change: No. 1 (VI) / 2013

January 2, 2013 - Example Author - Uncategorised



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Can Russia Really Change? – Issue 1 (VI) / 2013

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The winter 2013 issue takes a close look at Russia and asks the question: “Is change really possible?” The special block of articles in this issue features different perspectives of Russian public figures and experts such as Garry Kasparov, Fyodor Lukyanov, Anatoly Golubovsky and Tatiana Stanovaya. We also look at change, or lack of thereof, in Ukraine with Volodymyr Horbach’s assessment of the situation in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections, while Dominik Jankowski and Paweł Swieżak take a glimpse at the European Union’s Neighbourhood Policy and what impact it has really had on the countries in the East.

In an exclusive interview for New Eastern Europe, Anne Applebaum discusses the history and present situation in the countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain. You can also read a review of her new book in the review section written by Guardian journalist Luke Harding. In the history section, French professor and specialist on Russia, Cécile Vaissié, writes on the cordial relationship between two emigré journals based in Paris –  the Polish Kultura and the Russian Kontinent – and their mutual struggle against totalitarianism.  

French writer and screen director, Emmanuel Carrère, discusses his biography of Eduard Limonov, while Katerina Barushka reports on recent developments in Chinese-Belarusian relations. In addition, Filip Mazurczak analyses Poland’s economic challenges in the coming year, Zuzanna Warso discusses the legal challenges to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and Jakub Nowakowski takes us to Lviv to discover its Jewish heritage. 

The issue wraps up with reviews of the latest books from or about the region.



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