10th Annual Winter School of Eastern Studies
December 28, 2012 -
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News Briefs

Call for Applications
The 10th ANNUAL WINTER SCHOOL OF EASTERN STUDIES (WSCHODNIA SZKOŁA ZIMOWA) organised by Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego and Studium Europy Wschodniej at the University of Warsaw is now accepting applications from students who are in their last year of studies and working on their dissertations in such areas as: Eastern and Central European history, political science, international relations, sociology, cultural studies, geography, law and economics.
The Winter School will take place from March 1st to 14th 2013. The deadline of application is 20th January, 2013.
Applicants should be under the age of 25 and come from Eastern European countries, the Balkans, Russia, Central Asia, South Caucasus, Poland and EU countries.
Candidates from non-EU countries can apply for a scholarship to cover all or partial costs of their stay in Poland as well as to partially cover their travel to Poland. A letter of application for the scholarship should be attached to the documents.
The language of the Winter School is Polish.
Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego we Wrocławiu, plac Biskupa Nankiera 17, 50-140 Wrocław POLAND
Studium Europy Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa.
Click here for instructions and requirements (in Polish)
Click here – To download the application form
Send completed application form and required documents by email: wsl.studium@uw.edu.pl
For more information please visit: http://www.kew.org.pl/index.php?page=2#news_361