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It’s Good to Have Neighbours

The foundation of Tygodnik Powszechny invites you to a meeting in Krakow (Market Square 25) on December 3rd and 4th for a conference titled: It is good to have a neighbour.

December 1, 2012 - Example Author - Articles and Commentary



During the discussions, guests will focus on Polish foreign policy towards the neighbouring states of Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia. Experts, journalists and members of non-governmental organisations will take part in the conference.


Monday, December 3rd

14.30 – Inauguration

15.00 – Panel discussion: “Ukraine and Belarus: in the European waiting room”

Rafał Dutkiewicz, Anna Dyner, Roman Kabaczij, Wojciech Konończuk, Martyna Michalik

Moderator: Marcin Żyła

17.00 – Panel discussion: “Czech Republic and Slovakia: Close and peaceful”

Václav Burian, Andrzej Jagodziński, prof. Jacek Baluch, Janusz Okrzesik

Moderator: Łukasz Grzesiczak

Tuesday, December 4th

10.00 – Panel discussion: “Lithuania. Is there still friendship?”

prof. Egidijus Aleksandravicius, Małgorzata Czyżewska, Wojciech Wróblewski

Moderator: Piotr Oleksy

12.00 – Panel disscusion: “Russia. Standstill of authorities, aweking of society”

Dmitrij Babicz, Martyna Kwiatkowska, Sławomir Popowski, Iwan Preobrażeński, Jadwiga Rogoża

Moderator: Anna Łabuszewska

14.00 – Panel disscusion: “Germany: together for Europe”

Gerhard Gnauck, Agnieszka Łada, Renata Kopyto, Cornelius Ochmann

Moderator: Arkadiusz Stempin

15.30 – “Kraków–Berlin-XPRS”: Projects presentation and the preview of “KRK–BLN”

16.30 – Closing

The organisation of the project is possible thanks to funding from the city of Wroclaw and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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