The Polish Eastern Policy Conference 2012
November 21, 2012 -
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The three-day Polish Eastern Policy Conference 2012 starts tomorrow in Wroclaw. Co-organised by New Eastern Europe, this is the seventh edition of the biggest Polish conference on Poland's eastern policy. Details are available here.
The themes of this year's panel discussions will include: Polish eastern policy, Polish-Lithuanian relations, economic cooperation in the post-Soviet area and the current situation in Belarus, Russia, Georgia and Ukraine. There will also be discussions on cultural policy pursued by Poland in the former Soviet Union. The conference will also showcase the quarterly New Eastern Europe and the bimonthly Nowa Europa Wschodnia, as well as a debate on European, Polish and East German politics with the vice-president of the European Parliament, Jacek Protasiewicz, MEP Pawel Kowal and Cornelius Ochmann of the Bertelsmann Foundation.
Organiser: The Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe
Co-organisers: New Eastern Europe, Nowa Europa Wschodnia and the Eastern European Society
Date: 22-24 November
The organisation of the project is possible thanks to funding from the city of Wroclaw and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.