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Europe with a View to the Future

On November 7 and 8 2012, Gdansk will host the conference “Europe with a view of the future” as well as from the 8 to the 15 of November the Polish-Belarusian Translator’s Seminar “Translators without borders”.

October 30, 2012 - Example Author - Articles and Commentary



In addition, there will be many accompanying events during this time which is open to the public:

November 7 2012: Galeria Miejska, ul. Szeroka 34/35  Gdańsk

18:00 – 19:30

Meeting with prof. Jeffrey Goldfarb, promoting his book Reinventing Political Culture. The Power of Culture versus the Culture of Power.

November 8 2012, Galeria Miejska, ul. Piwna 27/29 Gdańsk

Photo Exhibit – Fotodoc

Promotion of the book Polish Myth” by Tatiana Kosinova

11 November 2012, Sala Restauracji Hotel Gran Cru, ul. Rycerska 11 Gdańsk

Concert by Lavon Volski – Belarusian Musician

For the full list of the events please visit: http://www.gdansk.pl/kultura?id=15644

The conference organisers are:

The European Solidarity Centre

Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe

New Eastern Europe

Nowa Europa Wschodnia

Heinrich Böll Foundation


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