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Change: How Badly Does Romania Want It?

October 15, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

As the Indian summer of Romania’s political turmoil continues, it is clear that the last hope for stability stands in the upcoming parliamentary elections this December. Yet “change” is a funny word for Romanians. No one believes it anymore. Hoping for change is considered naive and inexperienced, and talking about democracy is frowned upon in bitter speeches which ask: “What democracy?” However, as grand as it may sound, the country is preparing for its most important elections since 1990. If ever there was a time to think, act, speak up and try to change things, that time is now.

In the second of our articles from our Europe & Me column, Ioana Burtea argues that change can no longer be put off in Romania and that people must snap out of their silent frustration to vote in the the upcoming Romanian elections.

For the full article visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/467


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