Now Online: Lukashenko’s Flying Circus & Growing Shadow Economy
September 7, 2012 -
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Belarusian journalist Katerina Barushka discusses the Teddy Bear drop over Belarus through the context of the five stages of grieving; while Charlotte Guériaux takes a look at the growing informal economy amidst the EU crisis and the consequences of this.
Alexander Lukashenko's Flying Circus
By: Katerina Barushka
On July 4th Tomas Mazetti and Hannah Lina Frey from the Studio Total flew a small plane over the territory of eastern Belarus, dropping around 800 teddy bears carrying messages in support of freedom of speech in the country. This short and simple stunt put the country's officials in a state of agony. With the perspective of two months, however, Minsk’s reaction to the teddy bear bombing might best be described through the Five Stages of Grieving model, introduced by Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in 1969.
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The Normality of Informality. Shadow Economy out of Crisis
By: Charlotte Guériaux
The informal, or shadow, economy is growing in the European Union (EU) due to the economic crisis. It ranges from eight per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Switzerland and Austria to more than 30 per cent in some Central and Eastern European countries, such as Bulgaria, Croatia or Romania. Curtailing this “other” marketplace is a challenge for both state governments and the EU, as the transformation of undeclared work into formal work can be an important step towards the fulfilment of the EU employment targets set out in the Commission strategy “Europe 2020”.
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