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From East to West – Competition for Submissions to New Eastern Europe

August 20, 2012 - Example Author - News Briefs



Dear Readers and Friends –

The English Quarterly, New Eastern Europe, the Polish Bimonthly, Nowa Europa Wschodnia, the Polish publisher Czarne invite you to take part in this summer’s competition “From East to West”.

If you are travelling to (or live in) a country that was once a part of the former Soviet Union – we invite you to submit a report or a story from your travels.

The report should take place in a country or region of the former Soviet Union and cover any issue of interest, such as everyday life, politics, sports, culture, etc. We are especially interested in stories about little known problems as well as a new perspective on already known issues. The report should not have been published anywhere previously.

The text should not exceed 12,000 characters (signs) with spaces and the deadline for reports is September 30, 2012. Please send your reports to: editors@new.org.pl

Photos to accompany the report are also encouraged (between 1MB and 3 MBs) as well as illustrations.

The award for First Place will be a year subscription to New Eastern Europe (or Nowa Europa Wschodnia) and publication in our English and/or Polish journals (either online or in print).

Second & Third places may also have their reports published online as well as a free issue of New Eastern Europe (or Nowa Europa Wschodnia). Honourable Mentions, along with the first, second and third place winners will receive attractive gifts (t-shrits, cups, bags).

We look forward to reading the reports!


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