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New Reviews Online

August 13, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

Dear Readers:

We are pleased to share with you some recent reviews which are now online and available at www.neweasterneurope.eu:


Polish journalist Łukasz Wojtusik reviews a recent book by Polish travel writer Mariusz Wilk called "Lotem gęsi" (Following the Path of Geese):

"Mariusz Wilk, Polish writer and wanderer, does not write his diaries like others do. Wilk has a different intellectual perspective in writing: for him what matters is space and place, and to follow Wilk, the reader needs to take his path. In his travels Wilk does not just follow a specific route. Neither does he chase excitement. He wanders." 

To read the full review please visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/412


New Eastern Europe contributor Annabelle Chapman recently reviewed a performance of "Minsk 2011" by the Belarus Free Threatre:

"Evening. A leafy Oxford suburb in early summer. I take my place in the theatre amid academics and indefinite Russophiles, knowing that as soon as the lights dim, I will be transported far away. This is Minsk 2011, performed by the legendary Belarus Free Theatre."

To read the full the full review please visit: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/411


This and much more is available on our webiste. Don't forget to like us Facebook: www.facebook.com/NewEasternEurope and follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/NewEastEurope


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