Sex Trafficking, e-Diplomacy, and Pussy Riot
July 20, 2012 -
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New Eastern Europe newsletter
Now online at New Eastern Europe – Three new articles which look at three very important issues in the region:
1) Charlotte Guériaux provides a deep discussion aimed at bringing further awareness to the problems of human trafficking that takes place in Europe, mostly from East to West, saying the "Human trafficking for sexual exploitation is the most socially damaging but also the most lucrative market. The International Labour Organisation estimates that this transnational organised criminal activity has the annual value of 39 billion dollars." The full article is found online here:
2) Igor Lyubashenko makes the case for a new way for the European Union to enter into a dialogue with Ukrainian society – through e-diplomacy, arguing that "The significance of the internet as a factor in supporting democracy and an innovative business climate has been mentioned in the European Commission's last review of the European Neighbourhood Policy. It is high time for the EU to go further and develop a comprehensive e-diplomatic strategy." The article is available at:
3) Polish journalist Tomasz Kułakowski sent us a photo-report from the court proceedings that took place on July 20, 2012 in the Pussy Riot case. The court concluded that the three young women will have their detention extended until January 12 2013. They have not had a full trial yet for charges of hooliganism and religious insult. Kułakowski's report and photos are online at: