Pussy Riot Hearings – Photo-report from the court
Polish journalist Tomasz Kułakowski sent to New Eastern Europe the following photo-report from the court hearings for the Pussy Riot punk group. This is in addition to a previous report he sent us earlier this July.
July 20, 2012 -
Tomasz Kułakowski
Articles and Commentary

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Today, I was at the Khamovnichesky Court in Moscow. Proceedings against the three young women from the punk rock group Pussy Riot took place again today. The result of the hearings is that their detention will be extended for another 6 months until January 12, 2013.
The three women are accused of religious insult and hooliganism and face up to seven years in prison. The “prank” by Pussy Riot is constantly being commented on in Russia. Again, today there were disputes in front of the court between conservative religious groups and liberal/left Russians.
Below is a photo-report from the activities in front of the court as well as from the court room where the hearings took place. Journalists were waiting quite some time to get into the courtroom, first outside the court, and then on the stairs inside the court.
I have the impression that what we were lead to was a sort of “show” – let the media present to the society what can happen if you rise up against “the power that comes from God”.
This case ridicules the Orthodox Church and the state including the Russian justice system. Any verdict is possible, from freeing the young women, to a suspended sentence, or even the harshest punishment.
Tomasz Kułakowski is a Polish journalist, Moscow Correspondent for Polsat News and a contributor to New Eastern Europe and Nowa Europa Wschodnia.
The full report (written in Polish) can be found on Tomasz Kułakowski’s blog: http://politkowska.blox.pl/2012/07/Pussy-Riot-fotorelacja-z-procesu.html
His photo-report is below: