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Pussy Riot Hearings Draw Supporters and Critics

On July 4th 2012, court proceedings of the female punk band Pussy Riot took place at the Tagansky court in Moscow. Three young women were being charged with “hooliganism” for their performance inside the Church of Christ the Saviour on February 21st.

July 5, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski - Articles and Commentary



The band’s performance was a song which was both critical of Vladimir Putin as well as the Orthodox Church in Russia, causing a major scandal. Three young women were arrested and they face seven years of imprisonment for “hooliganism” and religious insult.

Supporters and critics of Pussy Riot showed up outside the courthouse during the hearings. The crowd was diverse. There were family with children, bloggers, pensioners, conservative supporters of the Orthodox Church as well as the curious onlooker.  At times, verbal arguments broke out between both sides and there were moments of high tension.

Polish Reporter and Moscow Correspondent for Polsat News, Tomasz Kułakowski, sent us these photos from outside the court. Photos by Tomasz Kułakowski (all rights reserved).

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