New Eastern Europe 3 / 2012 Table of Contents
June 27, 2012 - Example Author - Uncategorised
NEW EASTERN EUROPE 3 (IV) / 2012: New Europe, Old Problems
July – September 2012
Opinion & Analysis
1. John Sweeney – Commentary: Ghosts of Famine
2. Grzegorz Gromatzki – Fear of a Usurper’s Stigma
3. Kelly Hignett – Spy Game Diplomacy
4. Marcin Mączka – The Propaganda Machine
5. Jacek Borkowicz – Pussy Riot and Cyber-Orthodoxy
6. Katerina Barushka – A Matter of Life and Death
7. Paweł Kował – We Must Treat Lukashenko Seriously
8. Yegor Vasylyev – The Rise of Viktor Yanukovych
9. Natalia Sniadanko – Culture Caught in a Political Mess
10. Adam Bodnar and Irmina Pacho – CIA Prisons on Polish Soil – A new perspective
11. Pavol Szalai – Gorilla in the Mist
12. Basil Kerski – East of Berlin
13. A Historian of the Present. A conversation with Timothy Garton Ash
14. Building a Jewish Future. A conversation with Tad Taube
15. Wojciech Górecki – Baku Shedding its Skin
16. Małgorzata Nocuń – We Won’t Disappear
17. Brian Banks – A European from Drohobycz: Discoveries in the life of Bruno Schulz
People, Ideas, Inspirations
18. Mayhill Fowler – What is Unusual about the Borderland?
19. Ludwika Włodek – The Woman Who Foresaw Soviet Union’s Collapse
20. Sławomira Walczewska – From A to Zadra
Books and Reviews
21. Ewa Maria Kaźmierczak. Who Can Fathom Such a Crime? On the film directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev’s Elena.
22. Oleksandr Zinchenko. Greatest Triumph or Mistake? On David Stahel’s Kiev 1941: Hitler's Battle for Supremacy in the East.
23. Bartosz Cichocki. A Wiseman’s Voice. On Adam Daniel Rotfeld’s Myśli o Rosji… i nie tylko (Thoughts about Russia…and not only) and W cieniu. 12 rozmów z Marcinem Wojciechowskim (In the Shadow. 12 Conversations with Marcin Wojciechowski).
24. Łukasz Wojtusik. The Northern Path. On Mariusz Wilk’s Lotem gęsi (Following the Path of Geese).
25. Edyta Gawron. Everything is almost too true…on Baruch Milch’s Testament.
26. Jakub Halcewicz-Pleskaczewski. Sharing Turowicz. On Joanna Podsadecka’s Gen ryzyka w sobie miał… (He Had the Risk Gene…).
27. Wojciech Wilczyk. Photography is a Worthy Profession. On the Exhibition Poland and Palestine: Two Lands and Two Skies