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The Consequences of Ratko Mladić’s Ideology for Today’s Bosnia

May 28, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

The Consequences of Ratko Mladić’s Ideology for Today’s Bosnia

By: Adis Merdzanovic

International criminal justice may be slow, but it is persistent. This is one of the messages the beginning of the trial against General Ratko Mladić, the leader of the wartime Bosnian Serb Army being tried before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, sends out to all actual and potential war criminals in the world. Or, at least, it is the message it wants to be heard: regardless of rank, position, or international partnerships, if you act against a commonly agreed set of rules for war and human decency, you will, sooner or later, be held accountable for your actions. International criminal justice has thus both a daunting and a punitive character.

On a personal level, the trial seeks to provide consolation to the families of the many men and women that fell victim to the orders of the adamant war general. Representatives of victim organisations, like the mothers of Srebrenica, or international human rights activist groups were present in The Hague when the prosecution presented its opening statement.

Read the full article online: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/332


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