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The French Presidential Elections: a New President, a New Foreign Policy?

May 2, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

The French Presidential Elections: a New President, a New Foreign Policy? By: Horia-Victor Lefter With only two candidates left in the running, the French are divided as to who is best fitted to become their new president: Nicolas Sarkozy or François Hollande. However, both Europe and the rest of the world wonder about the impact the next president of a leading state will have on their future. For now, Hollande seems to be maintaining his position of favourite and could change the French leadership by winning the second round of the presidential election. However, Nicolas Sarkozy may also get a second five-year term, although this is unlikely according to many analysts. Whoever ends up as the next president, the question is whether there is going to be a change in French foreign policy, as the French are sceptical when talking about changement (“change” in French). To read the full article: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/306


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