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Belarus: A bloody show of force

March 20, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter

In the U.S. state of Virginia the average period from a death penalty sentence to the execution is eight years. In Belarus the regime needed just a few months to kill two friends convicted for terrorist attacks on the Minsk metro. The burial site is unknown and we don’t know what happened with the bodies. We only know that these people were executed.

A Bloody Show of Force

By: Anna Kuleszewicz

On April 11th 2011 at 17:56 in the Minsk Kastrychnitskaya metro station a bomb explodes. Fifteen people are killed and 387 injured.

On November 30th 2011, the sentence of the Supreme Court is announced whereby Dzmitry Kanavalau is found guilty of perpetrating the terrorist attacks and his friend Uladzislau Kavalyou is found guilty of aiding terrorism. They are sentenced to death. They had known each other since childhood.

On March 16th 2012, the mother of one of the convicted men, Lubou Kavalyou, receives a letter confirming that her son has been executed. There are rumours that Dzmitry Kanavalau had been shot dead too. 

On March 17th 2012, the Belarusian state television informs that both 25-year-olds had been executed.

To read the full article: https://www.neweasterneurope.eu/node/252


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