Travelling Backwards: A review of four documentary films about Vladimir Putin.
March 10, 2012 - Example Author - New Eastern Europe newsletter
Travelling Backwards
By: Josh Black
A review of Putin’s Progress: Four Films on Vladimir Putin and his influence over Russia. Shown at The Rich Mix (London) March 3rd 2012.
- Putin; The Leap Year (Vitalij Mansky, 2001)
- Khodorkovsky (Cyril Tuschi, 2011)
- Our Newspaper (Eline Flipse, 2010)
- Putin’s Kiss (Lise Birk Pedersen, 2011)
Documentary films often lack the exactness of the printed word. Where books can describe generalities and challenge existing explanations, film excels at showcasing a society’s predilections, mores and inconsistencies. Four films about Russia in the age of Vladimir Putin, curated by DocHouse and shown at the Rich Mix cinema in East London, expose all of these things and more, highlighting the ways in which Russia has changed over the past twelve years, and those in which it has not.
To read the full review click here: