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Putin’s Victory: The day after

Our journalist Tomasz Kułakowski provides New Eastern Europe with a photoreport from the protests taking place on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow.

March 5, 2012 - Tomasz Kułakowski - Articles and Commentary

After the electoral victory of Vladimir Putin, the opposition added its voice with protests on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow.

The amount of protesters was 10 times less than a month earlier, in the bitter cold, reaching –20 degrees Celsius. According to various sources, between 5,000 and 20,000 people came out to Pushkinskaya Square. Those in attendance of the Anti-Putin rallies included residents of Moscow, who call themselves the “creative class” – the intelligentsia and the middle class, who are actively against the Putin regime.

Photos by Tomasz Kułakowski (All Rights Reserved).


Protests on Pushkinskaya Square

OMON ready for action

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09 OMON gotowy do akcji.jpg


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