Rogoża: Putin a Man of Yesterday
February 26, 2012 -
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New Eastern Europe newsletter
Russia election update – Now online: Interview with Jadwiga Rogoża:
Putin a Man of Yesterday
In an exclusive interview with New Eastern Europe, Russian expert from the Warsaw-based Centre for Eastern Studies discusses Vladimir Putin, the Russian elections and the future of the protest movement after Putin’s return to the Presidency. In the interview Rogoża states: "Putin is no longer cool, nor modern – he doesn’t understand many problems: he is a man of yesterday. He has outplayed his role, although most of the protestors admit, that in the 2000s, Putin handled many threats well. Then he dealt with separatists, terrorists, and a financial crisis…However, today Russia is very different. It faces different challenges and Putin does not seem ready for them."
The full interview is located here: