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Your Ideas, Your NATO

February 9, 2012 - Example Author - News Briefs

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your ideas your nato.jpg

"Your Ideas, Your NATO" is the newest policy workshop competition from atlantic-community.org, the open think tank on foreign policy.

“Your Ideas, Your NATO” is an opportunity for students and young professionals to share their policy ideas on important issues that will be debated at the NATO Summit in Chicago. It is part of atlantic-community.org’s ongoing effort to empower young people and involve them in the transatlantic debate.

Participants are asked to submit a short opinion article in one of our three categories of debate: transatlantic values and community, partnerships after the Arab Spring, and Smart Defense. For each category, authors of the best contributions will have the opportunity to draft a joint policy memo with their peers. One winner in each category (three in total) will win 500 EUR and present the ideas to decision makers at our conference in Berlin!

The competition is open to citizens 35 years and younger of all 28 NATO Member and 37 Partner countries. Find out more here: http://www.atlantic-community.org/index/articles/view/Your_Ideas%2C_Your_NATO



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