February 2012
February 7, 2012 -
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New Eastern Europe newsletter

Welcome to the February 2012 newsletter!
We are extremely pleased to announce that it is now easier than ever to buy New Eastern Europe. Subscriptions, single copies and back issues can now be bought at our online shop (www.east24.eu/en_US/index). You can pay by credit card (Visa and Mastercard) or bank transfer through our new, secure online payment system. A one-year subscription costs 32 euros (including priority shipping). For more information please contact subscription@new.org.pl
Building on the success of the blog, This Week in the East, Ben Judah, Jana Kobzova and Nicu Popescu from the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), will join Andrew Wilson in providing a weekly commentary and analysis into the region east of Poland. The ECFR is the first pan-European think-tank. Launched in October 2007, its objective is to conduct research and promote informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent and effective European values-based foreign policy.
Linas Jegelevicius also joins New Eastern Europe with his Baltic Spotlight column. Mr Jegelevicius is a freelance Lithuanian journalist and currently works as an editor for a regional newspaper, Palangos tiltas, in western Lithuania. He also contributes to several English language publications, including The Baltic Times.
Dmitry Babich, Moscow-based journalist and polytical analyst for RIA Novosti, also continues his Inside Russia blog. Mr Babich also writes for Russia Profile magazine and is a regular contributor to our sister publication, Nowa Europa Wschodnia.
January/March 2012: Democracy on Trial
And just to remind you that the January/March 2012 issue of New Eastern Europe is now available on our online shop. A couple of these articles are already on our website including Piotr Pogorzelski’s piece exposing the setting behind the Tymoshenko case, The Unmasking of Tymoshenko, and Paweł Wołowski’s article in which he analyses Ukraine’s relationship with NATO and Russia called Ukraine's Game of Risk. Look out for more online articles from the January/March issue over the next couple of months.
Also in the new issue, Alexei Tulbure, unveils the illusions of the seemingly successful accomplishments of the Moldovan government in integrating the country with the European Union, while Jarosław Marczuk, presents a story from Georgia in which three photojournalists were arrested and later tried on espionage charges. There are also articles by Andrew Wilson from the ECFR, Basil Kerski, Director of the European Solidarity Centre in Gdańsk, Shana Penn of the Taube Foundation of Jewish Culture, Ana Maria Sandu, a Romanian writer and journalist, as well as a personal memoir of Ukrainian dissident, Vyacheslav Chornovil, written by Myroslav Marynovych and the story behind the art of Stasys Eidrigevicius.
For more articles and updates please visit our website www.neweasterneurope.eu. We are also on Facebook and Twitter!