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Jana Kobzova

February 2, 2012 - Example Author - Authors

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Jana Kobzova_BW.jpg

Jana Kobzova is a policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and the coordinator of its Wider Europe programme. Before joining ECFR, Jana led the Belarus democratisation programme at the Bratislava-based Pontis Foundation. Jana has authored several book chapters on Eastern Europe and EU Eastern policy as well as articles on the same topic for various journals and media outlets. She has worked on various ECFR publications including The Spectre of a Multipolar Europe (2010 with Mark Leonard, Ivan Krastev, Andrew Wilson & Dimitar Bechev), EU and Belarus: After the elections (201, with Balazs Jarabik & Andrew Wilson), European Foreign Policy Scorecard (2010 and 2011). Her latest report for ECFR, Dealing with a post-BRIC Russia was published in November 2011 (with Nicu Popescu and Ben Judah).


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