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This Week in the East – A Blog for New Eastern Europe

January 25, 2012 - Example Author - Bez kategorii



New Eastern Europe is pleased to announce a new partnership with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). Building on the success of the blog, This Week in the East, Ben Judah, Jana Kobzova and Nicu Popescu from the ECFR, join Andrew Wilson in providing a weekly commentary and analysis into the region east of Poland.

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is the first pan-European think-tank. Launched in October 2007, its objective is to conduct research and promote informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent and effective European values-based foreign policy. It is independent and has no connection to the institutions of the EU.

New Eastern Europe is a new English-language quarterly journal based out of Krakow, Poland and published by the Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe (http://www.kew.org.pl). New Eastern Europe presents its readers with provocative texts, in-depth analyses and stimulating reports. The online edition of New Eastern Europe provides up-to-date commentary and analysis on developing issues in the region and engages our readers in open dialogue about Central and Eastern Europe.

You can view the ECFR expert profiles here:

Ben Judah, Policy Fellow

Jana Kobzova, Policy Fellow

Nicu Popescu, Senior Policy Fellow

Andrew Wilson, Senior Policy Fellow

More information on the mission and activities of the European Council on Foreign Relations here:


Opinions expressed by our contributors in New Eastern Europe or online do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors.


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