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Belarus Press Photo 2011

November 20, 2011 - Example Author - News Briefs



23 November, Wednesday, 18.00, Centrum Kultury “Zamek”, pl. Świętojański 1, Wrocław

The Free Belarus Initiative, City of Wrocław, the Lower Silesia Marshal's Office, the Białystok Culture Centre and the Amicus Society invite you to the exhibition "Belarus Press Photo 2011", which will open with the Grand Prize winner – Sergei Hudzilin along with a concert of the Belarusian band Nagual at 19.30 November 23, 2011 at the Culture Centre "Zamek" in Wrocław-Lesnica.

The Exhibition “Belarus Press Photo 2011”, which runs from 23 November to 7 December 2011, is important in the context of the upcoming first anniversary of the events of December 19, when the opposition was brutally dispersed in Minsk during election night. Most of the photos – including the work of Sergei Hudzilin, which won the Grand Prize – cannot be shown in Belarus, because of their political overtones. Despite the difficult political situation, the exhibition looks at a unique layer of the great Belarusian cultural heritage – an area still undiscovered by the West. A large part of the exhibition refers precisely to art and culture, traditions and rituals of Belarus and its people. The winner of the Grand Prize, photojournalist from the Belarusian newspaper "Nasha Niva" Sergei Hudzilin will be the guest of honor at the opening.

Admission to the exhibition is free

Nagual is an experimental music group bringing together an eight-member team of musicians. Founder and leader Leonid Pavlionok and his group of multi-instrumentalist produce works with a rich musical imagination. They describe their musical style as ethno-punk, combining guitar sounds with shamanic influences. Nagual has developed a following in Poland, often performing at the national gallery “Zachęta” in Warsaw.

Admission to the concert:
18 zł presale /
25 zł the day of concert

More information about ticket sales at www.wolnabialorus.pl


Honorary Patron of the event is the Polish bimonthly Nowa Europa Wschodnia, the English quarterly New Eastern Europe and the Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesia Viovodship.

Media patronage: POKA POKA Wroclaw, Studente.pl, Don’t Panic Wroclaw, Bialorus2010.blogspot.com


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