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Democracy’s secret

November 2, 2011 - Olga Adamczyk - News Briefs



November 6, Sunday, 18.00, Massolit Books, ul. Felicjanek 4, Kraków

New Eastern Europe, Nowa Europa Wschodnia and Massolit Books invite you to discussion with Shana Penn on “Democracy’s secret: comparing the role of women in Solidarity with women of the Arab Spring”.

Shana Penn is the author of Solidarity’s Secret: The Women Who Defeated Communism in Poland, and executive director of the San Francisco-based Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, where she created the Foundation’s Jewish Heritage Initiative in Poland. She is also a visiting scholar at the Graduate Theological Union’s Center for Jewish Studies, in Berkeley, California.

Shana will be in Massolit Books at 18.00 on Sunday 6th November to talk about and lead a discussion on the role of women in defeating authoritarian regimes. Please feel invited to join us for a cup of coffee and take part in this exciting intellectual exchange!

Questions? Please email hayden.berry@new.org.pl


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