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Contribute to NEE

September 29, 2011 - Example Author - Uncategorised

New Eastern Europe is an international magazine published bimonthly in English and aims to provide a platform for the sharing of ideas, dialogue, and advancing a unique understanding of the region. Authors should consider themselves a channel for which our readers can be connected to Eastern Europe. Our readers expect well-written, easily read texts that will provide a new perspective, interesting ideas, provocative thoughts and memorable information and analysis. They do not expect texts full of jargon, over-analytical, or so technical that it is difficult for our reader to relate or understand the meaning in the bigger picture.

Authors interested in submitting to the print edition of New Eastern Europe should first read previous issues of the magazine to get a sense of what we publish. Primarily, we accept texts written in English or Polish. In many cases we do accept articles written in Russian, Ukrainian or other languages of the region for translation. Main articles are between 15,000 and 20,000 characters in length. Book reviews are shorter and generally are between 3,000 and 7,000 characters.

Authors interested in submitting to the New Eastern Europe website should check also the articles already on the website before submitting. Generally, we only accept texts in English for the web, although other languages may be considered. Texts should be between 7,000 and 10,000 characters.

The main sections of both the journal and the website include: Opinions and Analysis; Interviews; History; Reports from the East; People, Ideas, Inspiration; Books and Reviews. All submissions must be accompanied by full contact information as well as a brief description of the author, his or her affiliation and or experience. We rely on the authors to ensure that the information they are providing in their articles is true and original. We only accept original pieces that have not been published anywhere else nor being considered at the same time in another journal.

The editors do not return submitted texts unless specifically requested and with proper postage, and reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted texts for print. Texts submitted to New Eastern Europe may also be considered for translation and inclusion in the Polish edition of Nowa Europe Wschodnia.

Please contact us at: editors@neweasterneurope.eu.


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