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The Eastern Partnership Conference: Towards a European Community of democracy, prosperity and a stronger civil society

September 15, 2011 - Example Author - News Briefs



29 September, Thursday, Warsaw

The Polish Institute of International Affairs, the Centre for Eastern Studies and the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum have the pleasure to invite you to an international conference which is an official event of the Polish Presidency and an accompanying event of the Eastern Partnership Summit – titled The Eastern Partnership Conference: Towards a European Community of democracy, prosperity and a stronger civil society.

Participation in the conference has been confirmed by Radosław Sikorski – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Štefan Füle – European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy and other representatives of EU Institutions, officials from EU member states and countries of the Eastern Partnership, and many international experts.

To register and for more information please visit our conference website www.eap.pism.pl

The conference is supported by New Eeastern Europe

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