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Tag: Women’s march

The crest and break of Estonia’s pink wave

The elections to Estonia's Riigikogu wrapped up an unprecedented few months for the political representation of women in the country. The aftermath proved there is still a long road ahead.

April 23, 2019 - Anna Blue

Photo report: 8M women’s march in Kraków

On March 8th women went on strike. Thousands of people took to the streets in 55 countries to protest against inequality, patriarchy and violence against women. Polish women, the initiators of the idea, who protested throughout the 2016 under the label of Black Protest, organised marches and demonstrations in over 80 cities. The biggest one took place in Warsaw were around 17,000 people took to the streets, while Kraków's March of Fury gathered close to 8,000 participants. Women brough red gloves, umbrellas - the inherent element of protest, and pots and lids to make noise and express their demands. These included maintaining the existing standards of preinatal care, better sexual education in schools, subsidised IVF treatment, and equal pay for men and women, among others. 

March 9, 2017 - Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska


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