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2/2019: Postmodern Geopolitics. The consequences of the emerging multipolar world.


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The limits of geopolitical thinking
A conversation with Andrew Wilson

The failure of Pax Americana
Paweł Kowal

A battleground of identity
Adam Balcer

Georgia between Russia and a rising China
Emil Avdaliani

Belarus in the multipolar world
Krzysztof Mrozek

Transdniestria’s new opening?
Piotr Oleksy

How to buy a republic
Jakub Janda

Germany in the post-Merkel era
An interview with Stephen Szabo

Can the Three Seas bring a new balance to European politics?
Petar Kurecic

Opinion & Analysis

A Tribute to Paweł Adamowicz (1965 – 2019), Mayor of Gdańsk

What could a Serbia-Kosovo border swap achieve?
Florian Bieber

Customs wars in the Balkans
Jan Muś

Who can make Ukraine great again?
Anna Korbut

Ukraine’s economy. A chance for success
Paweł Purski

Integration impasse
Maxim Rust

The ghosts of Armenia’s past
Bartłomiej Krzysztan 

Orbán’s dangerously familiar discourse
John Mastadar

Stories and Ideas

Russia’s grassroots are more active than the West may think
Andreas Rossbach

The Havana connection still stands
Mateusz Mazzini

History & Memory 

War was not inevitable
A conversation with Dominic Lieven

The Revival of Jewish Life in Central and Eastern Europe 

Nurturing a Jewish revival in Poland
An interview with Shana Penn

There are just too few of us
A conversation with Konstanty Gebert 

Connecting the past with the present
Paulina Siegień

The second homeland. Georgian Jews throughout the centuries
Yulia Oreshina

The other history of Ukraine
Kateryna Pryshchepa 

To be or not to be a Jewish student activist?
Alina Bricman



A western in Warsaw
Andrzej Brzeziecki

Inspirations and lessons for an oppressed world
Jordan Luber 

An iron will
Josette Baer

A booze smuggler’s metamorphosis into the Righteous Among Nations
Solveiga Kaļva


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