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Author: Irakli Sirbiladze

How the partnership with the West shaped Georgia’s COVID-19 response

The COVID-19 pandemic may see the expansion of the strategic partnership between Georgia and the West to include sectors that were previously outside of traditional understandings of security.

April 22, 2020 - Irakli Sirbiladze

Ten years after the Russian-Georgian War: Georgia’s dissent to Russian hegemony

Unless Russia decides on a different path of development, Georgia will have trouble finding a common ground with its northern neighbour.

August 6, 2018 - Irakli Sirbiladze

To bring Godot, wait for Godot. Georgia and the Warsaw Summit

Considering the harsh realities of international politics, the Warsaw Summit has constituted a success of Georgia’s foreign policy. Georgia, as it has been widely expected, has not been invited to join the Membership Action Plan. Although, each post-Bucharest NATO Summit, like the messenger boy in Godot, reminds us that NATO membership ‘will not come this evening but surely tomorrow’. Despite this, Georgia should realise that steadily waiting for Godot is the only way to ensure that Godot arrives.

July 21, 2016 - Irakli Sirbiladze


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