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Author: Igor Lyubashenko

A New Digital Divide?

Wikipedia defines the term “digital divide” as a “gap between those who can benefit from technology and those who cannot”. The results of the World Conference on International Communication (WCIT), that ended last Friday on December 14th in Dubai, may eventually fill the term with new content. More specifically, it may signal an upcoming new […]

December 20, 2012 - Igor Lyubashenko

Where Diplomacy Meets Marketing

Much attention has been devoted recently to the phenomenon of diffusion of power – a process that deprives states of control over the flows of information. Communication technologies – the internet in particular – has provided individuals with unprecedented possibilities to balance the power of states. On the other hand, it has also provided governments […]

December 3, 2012 - Igor Lyubashenko

EU Strategy Towards Ukraine: Time to engage in e-diplomacy

One of the main weaknesses of the European Union's projects in the field of relations with its eastern neighbourhood is the lack of a specific offer that would help the ordinary citizen of a neighbouring state understand and feel the benefits of European integration. This is especially evident in the case of Ukraine, the biggest […]

July 20, 2012 - Igor Lyubashenko

EU Strategy Towards Ukraine: Time to engage in e-diplomacy

One of the main weaknesses of the European Union's projects in the field of relations with its eastern neighbourhood is the lack of a specific offer that would help the ordinary citizen of a neighbouring state understand and feel the benefits of European integration. This is especially evident in the case of Ukraine, the biggest […]

July 20, 2012 - Igor Lyubashenko


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