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Table of Contents 1 2012

January 9, 2012 - Example Author - Uncategorised

Table of Contents – Issue 1(II) / 2012 January – March

Opinion & Analysis

Piotr Pogorzelski  The Unmasking of Tymoshenko 

Pawel Wołowski  Ukraine’s Game of Risk

Andrew Wilson Lukashenko’s Balancing Act

Alexei Tulbure The Illusion of Success

Sara Khojoyan Same Song and Dance

Jarosław Marczuk Spies Among Us

Fraser Cameron The Future of Russia-EU Relations – Just a dream?

Shana Penn Changing the Itinerary: Jewish youth tours to Poland

Ana Maria Sandu My Mother Tells Me I Have a Wonderful Life

Jacek Borkowicz On the Religious Frontier

Katarzyna Kaczmarska, Marcin Kaczmarski  The Flawed Empire

Basil Kerski Solidarity: A European revolution

Krzysztof Stanowski How to Win Democracy


A Conversation with Hans-Gert Pöttering  Unity in Diversity – Europe’s identity challenge

A Conversation with Kakha Gogolashivli  There is No Alternative 

A Conversation with Bogdan Borusewicz First and Foremost – The Rule of Law

Reports from the East

Anna Mamut South Ossetia: Welcome to paradise

Katarzyna Kwiatkowska The Brain Behind the Brawn


Myroslav Marynovych Vyacheslav Chornovil: A personal portrait

People, Ideas, Inspiration

Grażyna Olewniczak An Artistic Mind

Books and Reviews 

JP O’Malley 21st Century European Dictator

on Andrew Wilson’s Belarus, The Last European Dictatorship

Kelly Hignett Enemy of the State 

on Luke Harding’s Mafia State

Annabelle Chapman Oliver’s Travels

on Oliver Bullough’s Let Our Fame Be Great

Marek Sikora An Advocate of Reconciliation

on Władysław Bartoszewski’s Kropla drąży skałę? Co mówiłem do Niemców i o Niemcach przez ponad pół wieku (Does a drop hollow out a rock? What I have been saying to the Germans and about the Germans for more than half a century)

Piotr Andrusieczko Presidential History

on Leonid Kuchma’s Zlamane Desyatilittya (The Broken Decade)

Grzegorz Motyka  Portraits of Ukrainian Historians

on Andriy Portnov’s Istorii istorykiv. Oblycha y obrazy ukrainskoi istoriografii XX stolittya. (History of Historians. Aspects and images of Ukrainian Historiography in the 20th Century)

Bartosz Staszczyszyn The Russian Spielberg

On Nikita Mikhalikov’s film Burnt by the Sun 2


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